Biography of Dr. Cheddi Jagan
Biographical Summary of Dr. Cheddi Jagan
Dr. Cheddi Jagan Founder of the People's Progressive Party, Father of the Guyanese Nation
Growing Up (1966) This is the 1st chapter of Dr. Jagan's autobiographical work "The West on Trial"
Pictorial-Biographical Posters (These are copies of the original posters on display at the Cheddi Jagan Research Centre in Guyana)
Portrait of a People's President - 1997
Listing of Documents in Archives by Dr. Jagan
Short Biography:
Growing Up
7 years in the USA
Getting into Stride
Victory and 133 Days in Office
Suspension of the Constitution
Iron Rule and Treachery
In Office but Not in Power
The Fires Started
Strife not Strike (1963)
Force and Fraud (1964)
1969 - 1979
For the complete autobiography of Cheddi Jagan read "The West on Trial" and/or "Cheddi Jagan - My Fight for Guyana's Freedom" .
Reminiscences of Cheddi Jagan by Janet Jagan
When Grandpa Cheddi was A Boy - 1990
7165 We Will Carry the Torch He Lit - March 10, 1997
Dolly Yellow Breast and Uncle Cheddi - 1997
7185 Cheddi Jagan: 50 Years as a Parliamentarian - Oct. 09, 1997
7219 Walking Alone? - March 1998
7223 Inaugural Lecture at Cheddi Jagan Lecture Series - 1999
7231 Cheddi Jagan - The years 1943 to 1948 - 2000
7266 Remembering Cheddi - 2001
7273 Cheddi Jagan - The Dentist - 2002
7275 Cheddi Jagan -1964-1966 - 2002
7274 Cheddi Jagan - The Man - 2002
7259 A Piece of Guyana's History - 1953-1955
7285 Five Years After - 2002
7271 Cheddi Jagan - A Real Life Success Story - March 3, 2002
7278 Cheddi - A Unique Leader - March 9, 2003
7279 Remembering Cheddi - National Unity Should be the Watch Word - 2003
7287 Remembering Cheddi - March 2004
7296 Remembering Cheddi - March 2005
7303 Cheddi Jagan - Man of the People - March 2006
7318 Valentine's Day 1997 - Feb. 17, 2007
7321 Address at Dr. Jagan's 10th Death Anniversary at Babu John - March 2007
7243 November 1947 - A People`s Victory - November 10, 2007
7244 Dr. Jagan 60 Years Ago- A Voice Calling for Justice - November 17, 2007
7328 The Advocacy of A New Global Human Order Moves Another Step Forward - Jan 2008